1. You'll probably be seeing more from me on there in about 5 days, too...
  2. Now that is the hardest I've actually laughed on here all night. I scared my dog.
  3. Most of my GIFs are not really appropriate for a U2 forum...
  4. hahahaha to both
  5. Came across that one as well, and funnily enough in my sober state, when I came across that post, I literally went "Man, I feel you" before scrolling down and seeing myself enthusiastically agreeing.
  6. And with this, I hereby announce I'm turning off my computer:


    That post and the following 10-15 posts are one of my favorite moments in U2start history. Legendary falls so short.

    Love you all
  7. I can get away with this though, I think...
  8. Going out with a laugh BANG. Thank you Ross
  9. Omg, legendary!