1. Today U2start is celebrating it's fourth birthday! Thanks to all of you for making this site happen, and we promise that in the months left this year we will offer you some great new features and content related to the resuming U2 tour.

    Thanks, and enjoy! Our next anniversary will be something special, as it will be the fifth.
  2. first to say: congratulations!

    And still going strong
  3. All the best wishes, for the future especially!
  4. Congrats guys!
  5. Amazing, started off so small and now the best U2 website on the web.

    Long may Remy reign!
  6. Congrats on the first four years. Hope we have another 20 to celebrate with U2 going strong
  7. happy birthday to the best site ever. Actually i spend more time on this site than on facebook.
  8. Keep the great work going Happy birthday!
  9. Congrats, without a doubt the Best U2 website on the net!
  10. Happy 4th Birthday , good work
  11. Congrats!
    U2starts fourth birthday, my 100th post!