1. As yes: Ultraviolate...
  2. he does twice actually. and haha, he apologizes quickly

  3. apologises?
    that I missed....
    the question is: what is he saying? and who is he saying it to?
  4. It might be something like "I have been rebuilt by a German engineering and you have NOT ! "
  5. Trying to give the show a real rock and roll feel - that's a great opener by the way.

    ''Finger up - shit, I'm sorry, sorry!!''

  6. with his hand he apolgizes
  7. Originally posted by MacStripey:[..]

    ...but imagine his face if 10.000 in GA show up their middle fingers all at once nice choreography for sure.... ... and Sergio has many friends with him

    or what about this:
    "Fuck you, my hair does look good! "
  8. "Smell this finger, and guess what I did last night"