1. he looks kinda pissed in generael in that pic.
  2. Pull my finger
  3. F*ck you guys. Ive you don t buy our albums, we will keep playing Walk On, Elevation, IALW, SBS and Pride.

  4. could be

    "stop filming all our shows and you havent paid us for it so F**k you. and u wonder why we keep playing the same songs night after night, it sjust 2 piss you all off" " ha ha i get the last laugh.
  5. he's just messing around and being a showman / performer

  6. oops, it was the other purple avatar... (second post) Sorry!

    EDIT: @yogi: hehehe
  7. No worries mate and haha good pic

    Im glad I bought the double disc now
  8. Guess he's tired of people holding their cameras all the time in the air instead of just enjoying the concert.