1. i think you exchanged the kids
  2. okay, you experts, enlighten me, for I have no clue: who is the one next to Bono, to his right on this picture? is that Eli?
  3. Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q is the brown-haired on Bono's right yes (looking at the picture)
    John Abraham the blond one (with stripes on the sleeve)

  4. Bono is putting on a bit of weight, he should be looking after his health, not burying it
  5. at a Dublin pub on 29

  6. Didn't even smile in one photo.
  7. 2 guys, 6 chicks. Bono really knows how to do it, dude.
  8. 4 are just for Guggi hehe

  9. poor Bono , think if you have 100 people asking for a pic everyday .... it would be hard to smile
  10. Probably just looking for a quiet pint on Sunday afternoon. I couldn't smile. Cool to bump into him in the pub though.
  11. Bono looks extreamly tired, like he had at least a couple of sleepless nights or something.