1. Very much so. Any idea what happened to RollsRoyce by any chance - I thought he was a friend of yours.

  2. Na no idea man, don't really know him hey. Have you always been admin?
  3. No.

  4. Well, your IP's locations matched within 100 meters from each other, and you both were as disrespectful and annoying. That's why he disappeared off the map. We felt like one douchebag per IP was enough
  5. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]

    Well, your IP's locations matched within 100 meters from each other, and you both were as disrespectful and annoying. That's why he disappeared off the map. We felt like one douchebag per IP was enough

    hahahahaha epic fail
  6. Sdsd
  7. Oh damn what have I missed during my absence
    Great great thread, haha
    When are the next elections ?
  8. Thanks Tim