1. I can't really explain specifics except for the fact that the band (as in U2) just sounded better during the Oscars.
  2. On an unrelated note, what personal mixes did you make for Sleep Like A Baby Tonight and Every Breaking Wave? I recently make a mix for Every Breaking Wave using both the acoustic and electric versions and so far I'm pretty happy with it.
  3. Originally posted by ahn1991:On an unrelated note, what personal mixes did you make for Sleep Like A Baby Tonight and Every Breaking Wave? I recently make a mix for Every Breaking Wave using both the acoustic and electric versions and so far I'm pretty happy with it.

    Same, starting with the piano, and then (after the first chorus, before "Every sailor knows") slowly fade in the electric version. It was tough because they run on very different tempos so I had to dinamically adjust the bpms on both so they faded into each other seamlessly. It sounds ace though, I might upload it to youtube so you can hear it or something.

    Sleep Like A Baby was much easier, both the album and the alternate versions run at the same tempo and pitch so it was just a "cut-copy-paste" work (well, not just like that, but you get it)... Just substitute some of the album versions' verses, the intro, the falsetto part and the ending for their alternate counterparts. Voila, perfect version
  4. Off topic
  5. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]

    Try this, it works really well


    Thanks Sergio. I will give it a shot. Even though I'm sure this sequence is not likely to be my favorite, I sometimes end up liking other's idas for sequencing better than my own. I'll let you know if I remember :0
  6. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]

    Same, starting with the piano, and then (after the first chorus, before "Every sailor knows" ) slowly fade in the electric version. It was tough because they run on very different tempos so I had to dinamically adjust the bpms on both so they faded into each other seamlessly. It sounds ace though, I might upload it to youtube so you can hear it or something.

    Sleep Like A Baby was much easier, both the album and the alternate versions run at the same tempo and pitch so it was just a "cut-copy-paste" work (well, not just like that, but you get it)... Just substitute some of the album versions' verses, the intro, the falsetto part and the ending for their alternate counterparts. Voila, perfect version

    I managed to get an EBW mix going on pretty easily using the exact same cut you did, actually. The effect is really nice and it's interesting that the two versions seem to flow well together.

    I want to get a mix of Sleep Like A Baby going, but my decision to do personal mixes stemmed from a random desire to do creative things instead of studying for exams. I've also randomly started picking up tutorials for photo-editing and digital art, which is pretty interesting...
  7. Sorry for continuing with the offtopicness... But I was asked by PM if I could share my mixes and well, since they're remixed official material they can't be put up for download, but they can be streamed. Here you go

  8. Good thread
  9. for some reason i decided to listen to this again today.

    really dig the part up to the but time leaves us polished stones (first 60 seconds or so) but after that the song falls away for me.

    but my main point is, the lyric video on the u2vevo account has over 23 million views for ordinary love, plus nearly 4 million for the other video on the u2 account. that's huge (vertigo has nearly 27 million for comparison, and invisible, released at nearly the same time with a much larger marketing campaign, has not even 8 million)

  10. I went back and relistened to this the morning as well. I kinda hope it gets performed once or twice this next tour, even though I feel like it is unlikely.
  11. I've always been a fan of this song. I like the acoustic version quite a bit and I hope we get to hear it every now and then.