2015-07-31 - New York
Тур: Innocence and Experience tour
Песен исполнено: 27
аудиозаписи: 1
  1. Wow, I barely remember coming here from the phone while drunkenly travelling to Cádiz at night and shitting bricks over it. Wow wow. Have been scarcely following the setlists since then but didn't have the time to come in and post - too much party and beach times I guess. I'm (sadly) back to Madrid and hoping they have some surprises up their sleeves tonight!
  2. I will leave on September 3 so I am not spoiled by Turin and Amsterdam 1 & 2. Sorry How are you Dylan? How have the shows been?
  3. Where's ahn666 tonight?
  4. when does the show start
    anybody know ??
    i thought in like 30 mins ??
  5. 20 min
  6. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    I will leave on September 3 so I am not spoiled by Turin and Amsterdam 1 & 2. Sorry How are you Dylan? How have the shows been?
    Better when you weren't around evidently haha. October was a highlight of the first two shows and nights 3-5 have been mostly average
  7. thanks
  8. Bullet with butterfly wings on pa