2015-10-25 - London
Tournée: Innocence and Experience tour
Morceaux joués: 26
Enregistrement audio: 1
  1. What's the queuing procedure regarding the issue of numbers, etc? Any experiences from those who have attended recent shows. I suppose it depends if somebody is arranging a queuing system. I have queued up for previous tours anything from 12 hours before to 2 hours before gates opening. Any recommendations for Sunday?
  2. Originally posted by zooropa93:What's the queuing procedure regarding the issue of numbers, etc? Any experiences from those who have attended recent shows. I suppose it depends if somebody is arranging a queuing system. I have queued up for previous tours anything from 12 hours before to 2 hours before gates opening. Any recommendations for Sunday?
    On the Europe leg so far almost all queues had a numbering system with a check-in every two hours. If you miss a check in you lose your spot. Some were more strict (as in more regular check-ins), some less.

    Queuing for the O2 could be nice as its in a big shopping mall.

    Perhaps (GA) Joe will even run the queue, as he will attend all six shows in GA (Joe is known for queuing everywhere around the world and being first in line as he was in Vancouver opening night and Barcelona 2009 opening night).
  3. Seat drop all London shows.
  4. Looks like it was just some £90 seats in the upper tier as it was a few weeks before.
  5. Not long now. I can't believe I'm going to the next six shows.
  6. Also looking forward to making the tip. More so now that I know there's a five guys burger joint in the O2.
  7. Wow, all 6.
    Just London #6 for me as I've got Paris and Dublin as well.
  8. Five Guys inside the O2? Wonderful stuff but you'll be needing a bank loan to get a burger.
  9. Now I desperately want a Five Guys burger. They are really something else.