1. It's ok, I like his voice on the verses, god knows why they used 1987 chorus as sure he could have done it ok now... anyway, least it's better than Sweetest Thing 98
  2. Disappointed that they didn't rework it enough to have Bono be able to sing the whole song. Very, very underwhelming imo. Swallow your pride, and tune a half or full step lower like you do with other older songs. I'll most likely listen to that version a couple more times then honestly never again. I was excited to see how they were gonna work Bono's vocals during the harder singing parts. They didn't. They just left his vocals from 1987 lol
  3. The original is such a wonderful song. This version is just loaded with unnecessary flourishes.

    It does sound like they left some of the original vocals in the choruses which seems even more strange.

    This is a bit of a waste. I'll stick with the original.
  4. It's not bad but it's pretty underwhelming. I don't mind the horns a bit, the thing that bothers me most is the lack of actual reworking on the vocals and even moreso the change at the end from 'lights go down on Red Hill Town' to just more repetitive 'you're all that's left to hold on to.'
  5. Better feel by just reading the words out? Ok.
  6. Just listend to it, kinda alright. It isn't as good as the 1987 version, but hey couldn't expect that to be the case.
  7. Geez if Lillywhite has been mixing SOE yikes that felt so loud and over the top imo too much going on I love how the original one just breathes somehow that parts of the beauty. I don't mind the more forward guitar but there are too many layers and the horns and synths thing just are not for me. Maybe its just a bad recording but mastering wise sounds terrible to me.

    And that spoken verse "to stoop to low to reach so high" and the little oh at the end..... why.... For a studio version I just don't get it not B mans finest thats for sure.
  8. The last minute is Bono 1987, right? The '' Love, slowly stripped away / Love, has seen its better day'' part.
  9. Sounds like it
  10. I think it's a nice version ( again we have the original it's not going anywhere)
    Vocal is more relaxed and you can pick song lyrics out better. I think chorus is a mix of new and old version layered, and the backing vocals are nice.