1. Hmmmmm. I guess we have to wait and see precisely what could be in store.
  2. Im too old for the kind of stuff mentioned in the u2songs article. I have better things to do than spend all day on social media promoting the tour.. and im not going to buy 13 copies of an album. Ridiculous. Would consider boycotting the tour.
  3. Originally posted by AllBeacauseOfZoo:Im too old for the kind of stuff mentioned in the u2songs article. I have better things to do than spend all day on social media promoting the tour.. and im not going to buy 13 copies of an album. Ridiculous. Would consider boycotting the tour.
    My thoughts exactly. Not interested in any of that malarkey either. I'm surprised DM fans were up for that, if they actually were.

    I guess it might be a neat marketing strategy for the younger 'artists' and their fans, but for the likes of U2, Springsteen and DM? Nah, I might just sit it out and live with bootlegs from now on if getting a ticket is going to involve that kind of shenanigans and be even more difficult. Plus the old bank balance is still recovering from this years outings in all honesty. That said I'm sure I'll probably find myself at some gig(s) again next time round some how.

    We could be jumping the gun, I guess we shall have to see.
  4. This is going to be *seriously* unpopular with fans.

    As if I havent got enough hoops to jump through I now have to convince an algorithim I'm really a fan by spamming my friends.

    It'll just be a mass circle jerk of muted accounts in the end rt-ing to other fans the same bland spam 'tour date videos'. OMFGSOEXCITEDLOL

    Just to buy expensive tickets and be 'first in line'. Utter wank. I have children, a partner, a job. I haven't got the patience to game an algorithim to prove my credentials.
  5. These schemes are bloody awful- Depeche Mode used it on their recent US tour, which basically meant fans competing against each other ( if they wished) by buying copies of albums to get higher priority on the presale list. Some people spent hundreds of dollars on cd's even before they bought a ticket

    Taylor Swift has done something similar where by you do stuff on social media, buy copies of her new album to improve your chances of being able to buy a ticket

    To date this only seems to have been used widely in the US- guess it's harder in Europe as we multiple different ticket vendors. I won't be playing this game, so could end up being the first tour I don't go to since 1993.
  6. Originally posted by djparky:These schemes are bloody awful- Depeche Mode used it on their recent US tour, which basically meant fans competing against each other ( if they wished) by buying copies of albums to get higher priority on the presale list. Some people spent hundreds of dollars on cd's even before they bought a ticket

    Taylor Swift has done something similar where by you do stuff on social media, buy copies of her new album to improve your chances of being able to buy a ticket

    To date this only seems to have been used widely in the US- guess it's harder in Europe as we multiple different ticket vendors. I won't be playing this game, so could end up being the first tour I don't go to since 1993.
    I heard this story about Taylor Swift a few weeks ago on Dutch newsradio and remember thinking: "Gosh, I'm glad U2 doesn't do ridiculous things like that !"'

    I guess I was wrong there......

    Fuck Live Nation and their outrageously twisted ideas.
  7. For how long they signed with Live Nation?
  8. I have nearly 30 years continuous membership. By my reckoning they should be giving me a seat next to Larry Mullen for gigs by now!
  9. Originally posted by Anam:I have nearly 30 years continuous membership. By my reckoning they should be giving me a seat next to Larry Mullen for gigs by now!
    sorry mate, that's my seat!
  10. So e+i is probably last tour under this contract... Hopefully they won't extend that... Live Nation is totally ant-fan corporation...
  11. This will be a nightmare...