1. Sorry but what the f***??? is it a joke?
  2. Originally posted by paolom3ok ok ok. the boy was drawn by this man on Long Island, NY he was at a rehab i don't remember who it was but someone from management or the band new of him, and sent him the photos which he drew from scratch as a recreation, because of US law the artist in rehab is not allowed to be credited, he wasn't allowed to take money from it either. U2 and others will only tell you the story up unitl the recreation to protect his identity.

    answer this instead of talking more crap. The guy on the cover is a personal friend of the band. So wheres all this crap about rehab clinics and US law?
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  4. Originally posted by paolom3well if you are in the law profession like i am you wouldn't need to ask about how they would credit him

    still dodging questions. If I were you i'd stop wasting peoples time
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  6. Originally posted by paolom3ok ok ok. the boy was drawn by this man on Long Island, NY he was at a rehab i don't remember who it was but someone from management or the band new of him, and sent him the photos which he drew from scratch as a recreation, because of US law the artist in rehab is not allowed to be credited, he wasn't allowed to take money from it either. U2 and others will only tell you the story up unitl the recreation to protect his identity.

    HAHAHA. You don't even know the name of the boy I guess

    http://www.angelfire.com/80s/u2war/ , there's a lot of pics of him and it is clearly photos and not drawings
  7. Well, anyway, it's a nice made up story, I couldn't think of it myself.
  8. Originally posted by theedge123[..]

    HAHAHA. You don't even know the name of the boy I guess

    http://www.angelfire.com/80s/u2war/ , there's a lot of pics of him and it is clearly photos and not drawings

    Hey that's a nice website.

    I like this painting the most:

    Greatly painted, this must be a master!
  9. Originally posted by RemyWell, anyway, it's a nice made up story, I couldn't think of it myself.

    yup its brightened up my 3am stint downloading U2
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  12. Originally posted by paolom3hey theedge123 if you read what i said before i said that they sent him photos to recreate, but i don't need to take all your crap because this is all indeed factual, and i can just laugh at you, yes i know now I'm probably making you all laugh. but if i were you i wouldn't laugh at a US DEA investigator.

    oh theres plenty of laughter alright.........at the hilariously unbelievable crap that you've just made us read