1. The saraevo versions kicks ass though

    Best studio: WOWY

    Worst studio: I would put 4th of July but it doesnt even count as a song to me so instead it is either "babyface", "daddy's gonna pay for you crashed car" or "some days are better than others"

    I like Zooropa (album) but the lows are really low

    Also, "when love comes to town" suck

    Best live: Bad

    Worst live: Daddy gonna pay...

    note: I did only put in songs released on an album, to hard otherwise
  2. Best U2 song when played live - Bad
    Worst U2 song - Man and a Woman
  3. Studio -
    Best - Promenade
    Worst - Wild Honey

    Live -
    Best - Streets
    Worst - Pride (please, please, please drop it!!!)
  4. you just closed the only thread that made me lmfao.


  5. It was a good joke, but would have ended in arguing that Stranded was 'terrible' or 'not that bad' , 'i am tired of people not liking stranded'.

    You can discuss and laugh your ass of in the Haiti thread Or just burn the song down to the ground in this thread
  6. Originally posted by Risto:[..]

    You can discuss and laugh your ass of in the Haiti thread Or just burn the song down to the ground in this thread

    Okay, let's continue here , but although I started that closed thread myself ("Worst song of the new decade") I somehow knew it was going to be closed. And I can see why.
    Anyway, we have to be careful and keep in mind that the song was written for a certain, terrible cause. So, let's show some respect as well.

    Okay, so far for this serious intermezzo: the song is just.......
    To those who produced it: just shut up, be humble and donate....end of story.

    Maybe those celebs should stop producing those kind of "Heal the World"-songs, 'cause none of them will top that first one, "Do They Know...". That's still the best imho.

    And hey, it features Bono as well....
  7. Best Studio: One
    Worst Studio: A Man and a Woman

    Best Live: Streets
    Worst Live: Its between Miracle Drug (dont think it ever clicked live, as good a song as it is) or Pride (because Im so sick of hearing it!!!)

  8. Best (Studio) : Really difficult, it depends on my humor. Streets I would say.
    Worst (Studio) : Wild Honey, undoubtedly !

    Best (Live) : Bad !!! Last Night on Earth in a different way is very cool too, especially the end !
    Worst (Live) : Hum... Do You Feel Loved ?
  9. Best (Studio) : Zooropa (the song, of course)
    Worst (Studio) : A Man and a Woman

    Best (Live) : Bad (Wide Awake in America / Live Aid era)
    Worst (Live) : Miami
  10. Best studio: New year's day
    worst studio: Yaweh

    best live: New year's day (under a blood... version - that's the reason why i love U2 since 1983) medley bad-running to stand still-where the streets (zoo tv tour)

    worst live: Pride (!?!) - obviously is not the worst live song but for me is the only U2 masterpiece that in the live version is worst than in studio
  11. No way, some of the 80's (and early 90's) Pride's were fantastic.