1. ... and ... uh Oasis
  2. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Exactly what I was going to. And don't forget Pearl Jam, Green Day, MUSE, the Ramones... The list goes on. Noel might be one of our favorite, and one of the biggest ones, but nowhere near the "best" as a whole, objectively.
    The Killers too
  3. Oasis themselves, indeed! In their true peak also.

    @Paul as much as I absolutely love The Killers, they kind of fall in the same category as Noel: an artist I truly love but I don't think they did a remarkable job warming up a U2 crowd with a memorable set. But then again I wasn't there to justify my statement

  4. Well technically Noel is my personal favourite. Oasis are my all time favourite band
  5. There's no such thing as the best or not the best really its all opinion. There's no way to measure it unless you managed to get a poll of every single u2 fan that had ever attended any gig with support and that's not going to happen, so we don't know for a fact if Noel is or isn't the best only who's personal favourite he is.
  6. Black Eyed Peas, end of discussion.
  7. I liked Noel Gallagher a lot, but my personal favorites are still probably Elbow 2009 in London and Interpol 2010 in Paris.
  8. Snow Patrol at the Nou Camp was fantastic.

    Noel has been good but a little bland.
  9. I don't think his setlist did him any favours. Riverman, in a stadium, honestly? As an oasis fan I love Half the World Away but casuals don't know that one either. Could have put two better known songs in to kick things up a notch.

    Regardless, I thought he was great most of the time
  10. Casuals know Half The World in the UK because it was the theme tune to the British sitcom, The Royale Family.
  11. And it wasn't popular outside of the UK.