2015-05-22 - Phoenix
Тур: Innocence and Experience tour
Песен исполнено: 27
аудиозаписи: 5
Видео: 1
  1. Great sound through that Mixlr stream
  2. Bootleg worthy even
  3. I'm recording the streaming....
  4. Sil has a great sound and stream, but in a middle of a show it cracks :/
  5. And then she sings
  6. Out of control !
  7. Out Of Control, no big surprises it seems (apart from the fact that Out of Control is a regular now)
  8. Out of Control would appear tonight, when I don't have predictions riding on it.
  9. Now we have to wait until song #14 or so for some variation on the setlist.
  10. Sil is going crazy, steady on my child