2015-07-10 - Boston
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Gespielte Songs : 27
Audio-Aufnahmen: 5
  1. thank you...thionk indeed I gotta go...

    bye all
  2. fuck it yolo I'll be there soon when I am it goes off yolo
  3. thanks everyone for a great time
  4. put down your phone ....and rejoice with me
  5. Right, that's me done for the night
  6. A whisper is not heard around the world. That WAS the plan until opening when they decided, nope.
  7. Originally posted by BigGiRL:[..]
    ..don"t know... Bono said "for reasons that are imparative...we have to play this now..."and then I thought WOUW One + 40...

    sounds like a killer setlist, but what was THAT all about