2015-07-31 - New York
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Gespielte Songs : 27
Audio-Aufnahmen: 1
  1. Originally posted by INCA:[..]
    If you close your eyes, you can hear Civil Twilight and Temper Trap in its sound. The only part that sounds like U2 is the piano part. It's similar to 'Endless Deep' and bits of 'Yoshino Blossom' in that respect.
    Reminds me most of like a song. Was really hoping they'd pair them live and segue them.. But nope
  2. I was listening to Elevation Boston last night and it got me looking at all the setlists during the tour. Basic, straight-up rock show - might start listening to bootlegs again.
  3. alot of u2s catalogue is in my distant memories...
    i love to hear this stuff again even if the visuals
    have changed alot
  4. Originally posted by EDDMB:[..]

    I agree 100%. Zoo TV was an event , unlike the tours I went to in the 1980s , and I attended 10 ZooTV shows . It was way too over the top for me .

    Pop was the same thing , only the material from that album was weak and I only went to 1 show that tour. I hated that period .

    Same thing can be said with 360 . Weak album , over the top shows .

    As many critics stated , 360 was a fantastic event, like Pop , but the "show" was a complete distraction and took away from the focus which is supposed to be the music . Maybe this was their intention ?

    I don't think its a coincidence , as the material from Pop and No Line was not strong at all , to say the least.

    I loved the whole "back to basics" Elevation Tour…same goes for Vertigo 2005 .

    My favorite shows are still from 1985 and 1987 . Followed by this years tour and Elevation/Vertigo .

    The band took the stage back in the 80s and just played their hearts out .

    No 75 foot lemons , no space ship station, no silly village people costumes, no Las Vegas Lady Ga Ga theatrics .

    Just the band and most of all , their music .

    So glad how this tour has gone down . I loved my 5 shows this summer .

    Just my 2 cents .
    I've seen every tour since elevation. While 10/27/01 will always be my favorite show ever, this tour is my favorite from them. It's just amazing. So many moments during the show, the transitions, the energy was incredible. Yes I wish for more variation but what can u do! I still have the show stuck in my head. I could go to 8 more tmrw and still not be bored.
  5. Originally posted by MoFoNYR15:[..]
    I've seen every tour since elevation. While 10/27/01 will always be my favorite show ever, this tour is my favorite from them. It's just amazing. So many moments during the show, the transitions, the energy was incredible. Yes I wish for more variation but what can u do! I still have the show stuck in my head. I could go to 8 more tmrw and still not be bored.
    Absolutely....I usually get a little bored after seeing so many straight shows . That didn't happen this year . Boston 4 - NY 4 was 5 straight for me and the band . I loved them . Gloria , then 40 ending Boston 4 . October N1 NY WOWY (Shine Like Stars) , N2 BAD , N3 Out Of Control , Desire (w/ Fallon) , AOH (w/ the Roots) , ONE , N4 in the GA with the wife was insane ...Electric Co ,Lucifer and Sweetest Thing .

    The new songs are great , I just feel they should break them up a bit . Volcano , California ??? The Troubles should absolutely be played more .

    Where is New Years Day ? IMO it would fit nice before the whole political rant run of BTBS . COBL is solid live , but NYD should take that spot .

    Streets should open the encore over BD .

    Not sure why Mysterious Ways has to be played at basically every single show since 1992 , while Two Hearts and October sat on the shelf for 26 years !
  6. Yea Volcano got a great reception Night2. Definitely weird how it doesn't get played more. And I can't believe I saw 8 shows and didn't hear California live. Crazy. Before the tour started I would of bet the farm that it would be a staple in their sets along with Volcano.
  7. Originally posted by MoFoNYR15:Yea Volcano got a great reception Night2. Definitely weird how it doesn't get played more. And I can't believe I saw 8 shows and didn't hear California live. Crazy. Before the tour started I would of bet the farm that it would be a staple in their sets along with Volcano.
    Same here. If those 2 songs and troubles were in the second half of the show it would be perfect
  8. Agreed. Toss the Achtung Baby stuff for now (unless they're willing to break out something they haven't touched in a while (Station, Arms) and bring in more new stuff and more War stuff. It's time for a War renaissance! They've dipped their feet into it and everyone loved it. They're already halfway there. Make Two Hearts and 40 regulars, add in New Years Day, Seconds, Surrender, and play Drowning Man finally and we've got ourselves a show.

    Of all the albums that could totally fit with the themes they already have going on, War would do it best.

    Mysterious Ways has to be one of the most....overrated isn't the right word because I never hear anybody talk about it. Overused? Basically no one really cares about it and I feel like nobody would miss it.
  9. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:Agreed. Toss the Achtung Baby stuff for now (unless they're willing to break out something they haven't touched in a while (Station, Arms) and bring in more new stuff and more War stuff. It's time for a War renaissance! They've dipped their feet into it and everyone loved it. They're already halfway there. Make Two Hearts and 40 regulars, add in New Years Day, Seconds, Surrender, and play Drowning Man finally and we've got ourselves a show.

    Of all the albums that could totally fit with the themes they already have going on, War would do it best.

    Mysterious Ways has to be one of the most....overrated isn't the right word because I never hear anybody talk about it. Overused? Basically no one really cares about it and I feel like nobody would miss it.
    I agree with you. As far as I'm concerned they could drop EBTTRT, BTBS and Pride and I wouldn't lose sleep. But... That's as far as we're concerned. As far as they are concerned... The majority of the people buying tickets would be happy as hogs in slop to see a greatest hits show. This is how they offer the happy medium, without doing the GH Tour. Trust me, I would love to see them do something like The Church did a few years back and do 3 albums in entirety, 1 from each decade with 20 minute intermissions between each. War, Achtung and a toss up on ATYCLB or HTDAAB for me.
  10. Originally posted by blueeyedboy:[..]
    I agree with you. As far as I'm concerned they could drop EBTTRT, BTBS and Pride and I wouldn't lose sleep. But... That's as far as we're concerned. As far as they are concerned... The majority of the people buying tickets would be happy as hogs in slop to see a greatest hits show. This is how they offer the happy medium, without doing the GH Tour. Trust me, I would love to see them do something like The Church did a few years back and do 3 albums in entirety, 1 from each decade with 20 minute intermissions between each. War, Achtung and a toss up on ATYCLB or HTDAAB for me.
    I think Bullet> Hands> Pride is the best part of the show. That and Raised By Wolves> Until The End Of The World
  11. That's why they'll never be able to make everyone happy. Don't get me wrong, I still love them, but I've seen those songs live so many times I'd love to see them replaced. But what I'd want them to be replaced with would be different than most others. Hell, if I had my way choosing the set, 80% of the crowd would have a glazed look in their eyes because they wouldn't know what the hell they were playing... The best part of the show to me so far has been the first set...
  12. I don't think they should drop Mysterious Ways, they should rotate with something from AB or POP... Like The Fly or Discotheque. The Bullet>Hands>Pride sequel is one of the best parts of the concert to me, just think they should rotate Pride with Running To Stand Still