2017-05-12 - Vancouver
Tournée: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Morceaux joués: 23
Enregistrement audio: 6
Vidéos: 1
  1. I'd say that's for sure.

    Sharing it is a different story altogether though.........
  2. fingers crossed....how about u2start members picked at random to see their rehearsals.dreaming out loud.
  3. Breaking!

    Spoiler (click to toggle)

    Why tweet then?
  4. When U2gigs at least tweets something about U2 is a battle won. It could've been much worse.
  5. Maybe they meant no spoilers from the latest rugby match, which would fit their tweet trend a bit more
  6. Does anyone know if rehearsals really have taken place yet?
  7. Yep. At least for lights and all, the band was in and Streets has been spotted, not heard yet.
  8. From Jimyc on interference,

  9. ::M
  10. Cheers Remy and ddarroch for posting pictures. Wonder if Streets is going to be the opener.
  11. i will be there!!!
  12. Some new images via U2.com More to come apparently.