2017-06-18 - Philadelphia
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Wykonane utwory: 22
Nagrania audio: 0
  1. Then drop Beautiful Day. Come on U2. You're tired of it, no one will notice it if you play another hit.
  2. Drop elevation. Encore:

    Mysterious ways, Discotheque, Beautifulful Day.

    Also, this show would have so much more impact if they played side two first. Mothers into Streets and then end with Running would be awesome and it puts Streets into the middle.

  3. UV is a about something completely different and they made it fit the women celebration theme. Next thing we know they'll play COBL to celebrate women too, because reasons.
  4. Drop Elevation or don't drop anything. 22 songs is STILL a kind of ridiculously short show...

    Well whatever, I guess, this IS a special tour for TJT. As long as that's played in full, we're good. I do really hope ASOH and The Little Things aren't gone for good though...

  5. Yep. If we know anything about U2 it's that they only put out one album in the 90's, and JT is the only album that has an anniversary in years that end in 7.
  6. Originally posted by CMIPalaeo:Drop Elevation or don't drop anything. 22 songs is STILL a kind of ridiculously short show...

    Well whatever, I guess, this IS a special tour for TJT. As long as that's played in full, we're good. I do really hope ASOH and The Little Things aren't gone for good though...
    The original JT tour consisted of REALLY short sets, like 18 songs.

    I also hope they keep Little Things and ASOH, but now that I've seen them live, the excitement of being there really makes the setlist seem less important. I'd be happy as long as they kept all of TJT.
  7. It be cool if they bring back old visuals from Zootv

  8. They had a lot fewer albums to draw from back then though.

  9. Half the show is in that bin now
  10. Next thing they'll say "We realized Mysterious Ways had a very relevant meaning for this 2017, blah blah"