2017-11-11 - London
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Liedjes gespeeld: 9
Audio opnames: 2
Video's: 3
  1. Nope. Going to squeeze in a few episodes of Stranger Things and check back.
  2. mtv and guetta, editing music with our u2, i can't believe these news today.......rubbish
  3. It’s going to be great! Embrace the new direction!
  4. Don’t think I got in
  5. Originally posted by Edi:[..]

    I was thinking it is not worth going since it will take me 45 minutes to get there.You put me to shame so maybe I will go in !

    It only takes me a 45-minute flight as well
  6. Nobody on here or twitter has got anything yet- so theres still hope. I think in the terms it said you would receive an email even if unsuccessful
  7. Re timings. According to westminster council- doors 5pm. First act 7pm. Finish 10pm
  8. Some people now got emails. (update: most now)
  9. No joy for me, good luck everyone else..
  10. No luck here. Didn't want to go to stupid smelly Trafalgar Square anyway.
  11. Yep got my rejection email
  12. Same here