2017-11-11 - London
Trasa: Experience and Innocence tour
Wykonane utwory: 9
Nagrania audio: 2
Filmy: 3
  1. Looked good on TV. Much warmer here by the fire too! A successful weekend all things considered.
  2. Most folks on here go to more than just one show.Most folks in general have been to more than one show
  3. I havent read every message on this thread but since when was it ok not to play Streets? Beginning or closing with that identical set would have made it exponentially better.
  4. So much negativity on this site nowadays.
  5. The performance was ok and it's understandable, first time playing it to an audience. I'm sure by the middle of EI Tour it will be amazing.
  6. Originally posted by AllBeacauseOfZoo:I havent read every message on this thread but since when was it ok not to play Streets? Beginning or closing with that identical set would have made it exponentially better.
    Streets has missed a lot of promo tour gigs. I guess they feel it’s better saved for proper tour shows.
  7. I still think it’s fairly balanced. What if we get a really bland album? Then a negative reaction can be expected.

    I know I haven’t been impressed by much of what I’ve heard so far. Negativity is a legitimate opinion so long as it’s voiced in a way that contributes to the forum.
  8. It was always going to be that way - MTV said that from the outset.
  9. I like GOOYOW live
  10. Bit of discotheque in the intro on mtv awards- sounded good!