2017-11-11 - London
Gira: Experience and Innocence tour
Canciones tocadas: 9
Grabaciones de audio: 2
Videos: 3
  1. I thought the video intro was well done. All in all not a bad weekend for our band. Looking forward to the official release of the GOOYOW video .
  2. Here's the video accepting the award

  3. Full performance, that snippet

  4. Not available for the US
  5. That close up shot shows just how out of control Bonk's hair is.
  6. My friend took a pic of Bonk's hair at the soundcheck, hence it was still daylight and although I thought his orange/red look had gone with Ì+E but.... It appears to be back big time.
  7. They dubbed in crowd noise at the start and end
  8. Im going to move GOOYOW back up to an 8/10 after watching that performance a few times. What I loved most about it was seeing 4 band members who looked confident and comfortable about the music they were playing, like they really believed in it, and there were no smiles it was a serious performance.
  9. Originally posted by Edi:[..]
    My friend took a pic of Bonk's hair at the soundcheck, hence it was still daylight and although I thought his orange/red look had gone with Ì+E but.... It appears to be back big time.
    I think he looks way better than in i+e...