2019-12-08 - Seoul
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Wykonane utwory: 25
Nagrania audio: 3
Filmy: 1
  1. Originally posted by popmarter:--- for a lot of other people it's not worth it ,U2 have been around a long time and while the casuals enjoy the gigs they won't pay extortionate prices to see them regardless of how good the gigs are.
    We can't blame them. I'm a casual Rolling Stones fan and, even if I'd love to see them, I can't push myself to pay the outrageous prices they ask. So I can definitely relate and agree with what you're saying.
  2. Who is support act for Seoul? Are there any rumors ?
  3. Don't think they'll have any at this point. It's a semi-arena show so early start with just U2
  4. Hello,

    Can anybody tell me how it works in Seoul to pick up your ticket? On the corfirmation email of your ticket is written:

    Delivery Method Will Call
    (Show your booking number and identification at the ticket box at the venue on the event day.)

    So you just go to the venue and go to a ticket office and show the booking number and ID? I have number 8000 something for GA so I will stand in any line for sure.
    And with ID they mean your passport I assume? Do you need to show your creditcard? Becasue since I purshased the ticket in June my credit card is repplaced

    Best regards and maybe see some of you in Seoul
  5. Originally posted by dennisromy:Hello,

    Can anybody tell me how it works in Seoul to pick up your ticket? On the corfirmation email of your ticket is written:

    Delivery Method Will Call
    (Show your booking number and identification at the ticket box at the venue on the event day.)

    So you just go to the venue and go to a ticket office and show the booking number and ID? I have number 8000 something for GA so I will stand in any line for sure.
    And with ID they mean your passport I assume? Do you need to show your creditcard? Becasue since I purshased the ticket in June my credit card is repplaced

    Best regards and maybe see some of you in Seoul

    Can't really comment about Seoul in particular but I have picked up tickets in the USA as an international purchase and I just gave them my drivers license and the credit card I paid with.

    Do you still have the credit card you paid with, even if it is expired? I used an expired card for entry in Dublin last year, it worked.
  6. You pushed the repeat button?
    Thanks for reply. I still have the old one with me also so let's hope for the best.
    Mine was hacked, quit sure during paying the tickets.for Seoul. So it was not expired but I got a complete new one.
  7. Originally posted by dennisromy:You pushed the repeat button?
    Thanks for reply. I still have the old one with me also so let's hope for the best.
    Mine was hacked, quit sure during paying the tickets.for Seoul. So it was not expired but I got a complete new one.
    You'll be ok as long as you have it, it may have expired or be deactivated and it's no problem
  8. hi guys this is my first post here so hello to everyone.
    Im going for the seoul concert and wonder how can we avoid long/many hours queuing to collect tickets and whats your idea of enjoying the gig at freezing cold weather cos I assume there is no heating at the stadium
  9. Damn, it's fucking freezing in Seoul... These will be the coldest gigs in a long time. Even if it's a dome I assume it will be cold as hell.

  10. Taping gear should keep you warm.

    All those batteries.
  11. Gocheok does have heating, so it would be warm or even hot inside the venue.
    I haven't actually been there but I've checked dozens of reviews and official guidebook.