1997-12-03 - Mexico City
Tour: Popmart
Gespielte Songs : 25
Audio-Aufnahmen: 1
Videos: 1
  1. At the end of UTEOTW in Paris you can hear The Fly starting
  2. Wtf the uploads for Paris are in 4K, was the live stream also in 4K?

  3. He should have sang, 'The whole World in His Hand' snippet during this performance.

  4. Does anyone think we might get another virtual road experience?

    80's Paris 87, Dortmund and Point Depot
    90's ZooTV
    00's Boston, Vertigo or Milan or 360
    10's 360 or EI
  5. Originally posted by miryclay:Does anyone think we might get another virtual road experience?

    80's Paris 87, Dortmund and Point Depot
    90's ZooTV
    00's Boston, Vertigo or Milan or 360
    10's 360 or EI
    I’d enjoy it… at least for a little while.
  6. Originally posted by miryclay:Does anyone think we might get another virtual road experience?

    80's Paris 87, Dortmund and Point Depot
    90's ZooTV
    00's Boston, Vertigo or Milan or 360
    10's 360 or EI
    I don’t think they will and if they did it would likely just be the gigs that have already been released on dvd/blu Ray so no Dortmund or point depot. Even E&I I would doubt with it being part of the fan club. They’re still effectively selling the stream of that with the premium subscription for new subscribers. If we’re going to get anything previously unreleased maybe it will be a zoo tv show to tie in with the anniversary but again I think they would prefer to sell that to us with the boxset and likely audio only, probably would end up being Sydney streamed which they’ve already done on u2.com.
  7. Originally posted by miryclay:Does anyone think we might get another virtual road experience?

    80's Paris 87, Dortmund and Point Depot
    90's ZooTV
    00's Boston, Vertigo or Milan or 360
    10's 360 or EI
    They did Zoo TV, Boston Elevation and Vertigo Chicago via their own page in 2020. I always saw The Virtual Road as a continuation of that.
  8. Paris 87 audio is already available on iTunes so I would count that out. I know how to dismantle an atomic bomb wasn’t well received as all that you can’t leave behind, but if they do a 20th anniversary of that album I’d love the vertigo from Chicago in audio format released with it. I’m hoping since they remastered City of blinding light from the rose bowl that they’re planning
    Something with that concert
  9. Originally posted by Cgmorgan1986:Paris 87 audio is already available on iTunes so I would count that out. I know how to dismantle an atomic bomb wasn’t well received as all that you can’t leave behind, but if they do a 20th anniversary of that album I’d love the vertigo from Chicago in audio format released with it. I’m hoping since they remastered City of blinding light from the rose bowl that they’re planning
    Something with that concert
    I could see that happening in 2024 with HTDAAB boxset featuring Chicago on cd. It’s a great gig or compilations of Chicago gigs rather. Really good Setlist choices. The HD stream of Chicago on u2.com is probably the best of all the streams they did since it was recorded in proper HD and not just an upscale, big improvement.
  10. Rose Bowl looks pretty good.
  11. Will it be better than the blu Ray though? I don’t think a 4k stream is better than a physical blu Ray but could be wrong.