2022-12-14 - Dublin
Turnê: Various Dates
Músicas tocadas: 9
Gravações de áudio: 0

  1. Well... it will surely be Worldwide one way or another. Worldwide Pants is David Letterman's TV & film production company.
  2. Thanks Sean
  3. Whether yesterday's taped concert will perhaps be broadcast on Netflix on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2023?
  4. Think that was more to do with the artwork on the email sent out to people but that was likely just because that’s what the website are promoting just now. If it had been last year it would have been the Apollo on the email.
  5. sounded like you had a good time and i don't want to piss on your parade but...

    boring setlist

    and no new songs

  6. Was hearing stuff on Twitter that Letterman was around - long-form interview perhaps? With some performances?
  7. Well, if you are who you say you are, surely you could have done something about that, TheRealEdge?
  8. There seems to be a busk right now..