1987-09-17 - Boston
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour
Wykonane utwory: 21
Nagrania audio: 3
  1. Also, on here its rated a 4 star, but on WV it sounds almost like an official release. Great Sound. Better than Denver (First Night) IMO!
  2. Am I missing something or is the U2start show a partial? I just downloaded and its only 10 songs. WV has full show.
  3. I wonder if U2 actually put it on WV? Maybe because if we only have a partial SBD then so should all fans... Plus this is very HQ.
  4. Im sure they cleaned up the source and improved it before they posted it. It might have been a radio broadcasts from 87. WV has alot of those. The Pearl Jam show from Atl 94 was improvement to my boots of that show.
  5. They took out Better Man from that show
  6. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]

    Illegan in which sense? I'm a subscriber of the Wolfang's Vault, they've provided me many hours of fun and delight in the form of amazing quality bootlegs. I have them in high regards.

    Wolfgang's vault is neither bootlegs nor illegal. It's the archive of recordings belonging to/made by the late promoter Bill Graham.
  7. Let's see. Our recording is just the 10 songs (Streets, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, BTBS, RTSS, Bad, Pride, One Tree Hill, Out Of Control and 40) in VG soundboard quality with some noticeable cuts; this SBD source has been circulating for over 20 years and I haven't seen anyone speaking about a complete version. How Wolfang Vault has accessed a full version of the show is beyond my knowledge but doesn't surprise me a bit since I know this guys and they do some notable research work.

    By the way... Just for the sake of U2start completism, is someone willing to pay for that $5 and then share the full recording with us?
    Nah, just kidding, I will do it myself. I don't like paying for bootlegs but I feel this is worth that small expense. Plus, I've been a subscriber of the Vault for years and never paid a single bit, so... Yeah, recording on the way.
  8. Originally posted by LikeASong:Let's see. Our recording is just the 10 songs (Streets, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, BTBS, RTSS, Bad, Pride, One Tree Hill, Out Of Control and 40) in VG soundboard quality with some noticeable cuts; this SBD source has been circulating for over 20 years and I haven't seen anyone speaking about a complete version. How Wolfang Vault has accessed a full version of the show is beyond my knowledge but doesn't surprise me a bit since I know this guys and they do some notable research work.

    By the way... Just for the sake of U2start completism, is someone willing to pay for that $5 and then share the full recording with us?
    Nah, just kidding, I will do it myself. I don't like paying for bootlegs but I feel this is worth that small expense. Plus, I've been a subscriber of the Vault for years and never paid a single bit, so... Yeah, recording on the way.

  9. type 'wolfgang's vault legal?' into google and read some of the arguments.
  10. Downloaded, re-tagged and uploading - obviously for free
  11. many, many thanks; i was thinking to buy it
    i will drink a beer to your health
    where the "free link" please lol

    and thanks for the sleeve