2005-04-01 - Anaheim
Tour: Vertigo Tour
Gespielte Songs : 22
Audio-Aufnahmen: 1
Videos: 1
  1. Johnny!
  2. Forever marching.
  3. Mmmmm nice!
  4. I love how Bullet is totally different from one tour to the next
  5. Yes me too, I wish they'd be brave and mix up some other songs a little bit too from tour to tour.
  6. RTSS!
  7. RTSS!
  8. This is like that gig on the LoveTown tour where they got bored and did the setlist backwards a bit, sort of.
  9. I really don't think it has anything to do with being brave, but yes, I also wish they did the same with more songs...
  10. Running To Stand Still is such a great song.
  11. ZooTV version was so much better. This is still fantastic
  12. Yeah love the story of it on Joshua Tree classic albums and how they got quite a chunk of it in one take in a 'huddle' as Daniel Lanois calls it.