1997-08-20 - Hannover
Tournée: Popmart
Morceaux joués: 24
Enregistrement audio: 2
  1. With or without you, I am nothing
    nice little change in the lyrics and you know you're too obsessed with U2 if this trivial thing makes your day
  2. Great performance of WOWY.
  3. Got here just in time for Hold Me Thrill Me!
  4. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:With or without you, I am nothing
    nice little change in the lyrics and you know you're too obsessed with U2 if this trivial thing makes your day
    Totally -- as I said in Mixlr chat it is so wonderful to listen to these in realtime with other fans. I always learn something every time (when I STFU and actually listen -- I get hyped up heheh)
  5. What time is it in the world?
  7. Still feel the studio version is better.
  8. Ooooh nice ending there