2018-10-03 - Hamburg
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Canzoni suonate: 23
Registrazioni audio: 2
Video: 1
  1. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    They don’t post the full set you have to go into music then click on the individual songs and then at the bottom of the page underneath the lyrics it tells you the last time it was played.
    So this means that any major surprises we don't know about, as then you have to look through each song. But of course you can try for the usual ones
  2. With all these changes it makes me think the band originally wanted to have these songs in tour, but were underprepared. Or maybe they just bored themselves shitless with the innocence section every night
  3. Do we think Zoo Station is just a one off tonight because it's in Germany, to be in rotation with The Unforgettable Fire or a permanent replacement for The Unforgettable Fire?
  4. Originally posted by DMMacdonald:Do we think Zoo Station is just a one off tonight because it's in Germany, to be in rotation with The Unforgettable Fire or a permanent replacement for The Unforgettable Fire?
    One off. It's German Unity Day. Just like 2015 a one-off.
  5. they played Zoo Station back in 2015 during the first Berlin show so It could be a one off thing...
    but let's hope they will keep it in the forthcoming shows too...
  6. Disappointing if that’s the case but I could accept it I guess as a treat for the fans tonight, it’s not as if the alternative is a poor song.
  7. Originally posted by SJKamal:With all these changes it makes me think the band originally wanted to have these songs in tour, but were underprepared. Or maybe they just bored themselves shitless with the innocence section every night
    They only rehearsed for like 2-3 days before Berlin 1 - so they had very little time.

    Compared to 2015 before Turin - they seemed to rehearse a lot more?
  8. People Have The Power! Is this 2015?
  9. Was waiting for Miracle then
  10. The rest of the tour is looking good if tonight pans out the way it sounds....
  11. Radiohead when they were still good