1984-11-05 - Edinburgh
Tour: Unforgettable Fire Tour
Songs played: 19
Audio recordings: 3
  1. Love this energy on two hearts
  2. Let's hope there'll be a Let's Twist Again snippet.
  3. A Sort of Homecoming is truly one of the band's greatest songs
  4. A Sort Of Homecoming

  5. Bono beast mode.

  6. They played it in Arnhem 2001. What a fantastic moment that was
  7. I bet... Arnhem 2

    I "only" went to Arnhem 1 and 3 ...

    (awesome shows too, btw )
  8. Yeah it was 2. Been to 1 and two. My (then) wife wouldn't let me go to 3 😑
  9. Wow this snippet!
  10. Listening via Mixlr bit just popping in to say this is a fabulous show. Incredible audio quality. Huge thanks. And hope you're all staying safe and well
  11. OK, now please have special attention to the next part that is coming: what snippet is Bono doing???