2018-10-03 - Hamburg
Turne: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 23
Ses kayıtları: 2
Videolar: 1
  1. Here we go!
  2. What do you want?
  3. All of this can be yours
  4. Mixlr's sound so good now. No issues with signal anymore either.
  5. That fucking intro man!
  6. Are you ready for the Laughing Gas.......Have an amazing night Hamburg......
  7. .... When the Lights Go Out!!!!
  8. Sounds amazing today!
  9. I am ALWAYS ready for the laughing gas...
  10. Amazingly

    Just wish it didn't have such an heavy compression...

    But yeah... this is truely ZOO.2
  11. I don’t know if it’s partly the excitement of knowing what’s to come but everything seems to be sounding better lately, I really enjoyed Copenhagen 2 and I’m really enjoying tonight so far.
  12. RFD :-)