2015-05-22 - Phoenix
Turnê: Innocence and Experience tour
Músicas tocadas: 27
Gravações de áudio: 5
Vídeos: 1
  1. I see Bono thinks Out of control was released in 1980 now

  2. Haven’t been able to thank you for the two Phoenix recordings, so here it is: Thanks!
    Been away a couple of days, but – luckily – was able to put the 2nd Phoenix recording on my iPod right before I left. Only to listen to it yesterday evening on my way home – loved it!

    I also loved the story behind it (last minute decision + taping) and the fact that you shared with us the unedited recording; that is, including full intro and intermission.

    Just curious: do you have a history of taping shows or were you inspired by the u2start “taping guide”?
  3. Glad you enjoyed it! I've been taping for around 8 years, so I've got quite a collection! You can find a lot of my stuff on either Dimeadozen.org or (if they're a taper friendly band) on the Live Music Archive at archive.org

  4. [Photo taken by Peter Hutchins]
  5. Nice to see you smiling, Mr. Mullen!