1. Hey everyone, just discovered this website and figured I'd say hi from up here in Canada! I've been a U2 fan for about 10 years now, but never realized there was such a cool community happening on the internet. Looking forward to talking to you all Also - a big thank you to the guys from U2Gigs for running a great site and basically introducing me to the U2 community.
  2. Welcome to the best U2 place !!
  3. Welcome! This is also a great community and I hope you stay for our coverage of the tour.
  4. Thanks! I'll be around - the new IE tour is shaping up to be great so far
  5. Indeed! Thanks to the wonders of technology, we can watch the show as it happens through Periscope, obtain the bootleg the day after... nothing like the old days!
  6. Hi and welcome! I spent over one year in your amazing country ( lived in Vancouver ) and hope I could come back one day
    So enjoy your time here, this is the best place for U2 fan to be
  7. Welcome to the site, Alishia
  8. Welcome
  9. Thanks everyone
  10. Originally posted by Alvin:Hi and welcome! I spent over one year in your amazing country ( lived in Vancouver ) and hope I could come back one day
    So enjoy your time here, this is the best place for U2 fan to be
    Ahhhh that's awesome. It's such a beautiful place U2 comes often so.... there's your incentive haha!
  11. Hi Alishia Welcome to THE U2 website, nice time to say hi. Have a good time around!

  12. Thanks Sergio See you around the forums!

    PS: Like a Song is one of my favourite U2 songs.