1. Not finding the lyrics to the Bullet The Blue Sky rant on here.. Anyone have them?
  2. Our mod iTim posted them at the Vancouver thread (I think it was Vancouver, might have been San Jose tho)... I will see if I can dig them for you!
  3. Yep, Vancouver topic:

    Originally posted by iTim:
    This is mainly night one, with a couple corrections from night two after the solo. He seemed to trip up over himself after the solo on the first night, but he pretty much nailed it on the second night.

    "So this boy comes up to me,
    His face red like a rose on a thorn bush,
    A young man with a young man's blush,
    Young boy looked a lot like me.

    And he's pulling the dollar bills outta my hand,
    Patting me down, patting me down,
    Says you have more than you need!
    You got 100, you got 200, 300

    And I can see those private planes,
    I can see those private planes,
    And you're in one of those private planes aren't you?
    And he's right.

    And I'm off a flight in Davos, Switzerland,
    I'm in the lobby of the Belvedere Hotel,
    Where a jazz-man breathes into his saxophone,
    While everybody stares at their cell phone,
    And in my ear the young boy groans,

    Outside it's America!
    Outside it's America!


    As I step outside, snow is falling like a curtain of silence
    I'm on the other side of the barricade now,
    I'm on the other side of the barricade to myself, aged 19, n-n-n-n-nineteen

    And I try to tell the young man,
    that ideas deserve a plan,
    And to build a better world,
    It's gonna take every woman and man

    It's gonna take you, me,
    The reds and the greens,
    The now's and forever's and the yet-to-be's
    The "where ya going?"
    The "where ya been?"
    The living and the dead, and the unseen
    The somebodies,
    The nobodies,
    The who's who,
    The Gentile and the Jew,
    The gay's and the straights,
    The sevens and the eights,
    The nines and the tens,
    The Dollars and the Yens,

    And I feel like a fraud, but I know that I'm not,
    I try to do my very best,
    with everything I've got, which is not a lot,
    to not get caught,
    with my pants down,
    and my hands up, my hands up

    Any second now,
    Things are going to get rough,
    So I run, I run, I run,
    Into the arms, of America
  4. Thanks!