2015-07-10 - Boston
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 5
  1. LOL, no need to edit Kirsten. If you want to ask Bono to strip bare for your pleasure amusement, that's fine (I think). I think that's the earliest we've any kind of vulgarity in a setlist party this tour
  2. I talked about prostitutes earlier

  3. me Tim
  4. Originally posted by iTim:LOL, no need to edit Kirsten. If you want to ask Bono to strip bare for your pleasure amusement, that's fine (I think). I think that's the earliest we've any kind of vulgarity in a setlist party this tour
    can I bring a sign for that? (or was that stripey's original comment, I didn't see it lol)
  5. Oh God, we're starting to resemble the GA line Start composing your dirty messages for New York, everyone!
  6. Haha, that was more or less the original comment. I think U2 would consider certain requests, perhaps not this one though
  7. Originally posted by iTim:[..]
    Haha, that was more or less the original comment. I think U2 would consider certain requests, perhaps not this one though
    ooh I think bono could be tempted to show a little chest or shoulder (don't give me ideas or I'll be that girl with the sign in cologne)
  8. goodmorning almost couldnt log in here for some reason and almost slept in and forgot about the 8am start
  9. Hi!
    Almost one hour to go right?
  10. yes i will see if i can post some periscope
  11. had some strange dreams last night
    one i wasnt too keen on but anyways
    its gone
    wonder if we have any news on
    Spoilers tonight :
  12. Didn't Adam say this once upon a time?

    "We want to make music you can have sex to"