1. cesar_garza01 does this sound like a better recording then on u2start ? i know ive been goinn on about this show but to me this sounds better then on u2start ?? U2 PopMart Madrid (1997-09-09) - AUDIO
  2. Let me check. If it's on YouTube, it should be on bootleg form.
  3. NYD is alot clearer on the youtube audio!!
  4. Michael: I owe you an apology. Indeed, that YouTube video comes from a bootleg that is much better than what we have. I didn't know our bootleg was so bad. I'll be adding this bad boy here in no time.
    Thanks for being so persistent!
  5. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:Michael: I owe you an apology. Indeed, that YouTube video comes from a bootleg that is much better than what we have. I didn't know our bootleg was so bad. I'll be adding this bad boy here in no time.
    Thanks for being so persistent!
    i cant beileve i found it, look forward to downloading
  6. You see, there's only one recording of Madrid and I just assumed that's what we have. Maybe the conversion to mp3 went really bad and it sounds very poor here. I'll reconvert it and put it here.
  7. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:You see, there's only one recording of Madrid and I just assumed that's what we have. Maybe the conversion to mp3 went really bad and it sounds very poor here. I'll reconvert it and put it here.
    great look forward to downloading
  8. Finally, a great new recording of 1997-09-09 Popmart Madrid.
    The difference between this and the old recording is like day and night. Thanks to u2_michaelc for informing me of the alternative source.
  9. Cheers César
  10. Looking forward to downloading this one later tonight!
  11. Sergio's father and uncle were in that show, I believe.
    Hope you like it Sergio!