1. Thanks a lot to hoserama and the tapers! Excellent sounding, just like a hoserama mix always is.

    Still somewhat amazed they played Acrobat live last year.
  2. Originally posted by Mr_Trek:Thanks a lot to hoserama and the tapers! Excellent sounding, just like a hoserama mix always is.

    Still somewhat amazed they played Acrobat live last year.
    You're alive!!!
  3. Hell yes!!! Thanks to everyone who make this possible! Downloaded this morning over at u2torrents and blasting now through my speakers!
  4. Thanks so much for the Dublin 2018 concert, Hoserama
    Iontach!!!! Blessed Christmas.
    God's blessings on all of ya!!!
  5. Nothing like a Hoserama production! Thank you to all involved in getting this out for the holidays! What a treat!
  6. Not again... another IEM from Hoserama? ....

    You are a living LEGEND as well as all other involved!
    Thanks and Merry Christmas!
  7. I just mixed this one (along with gear loans and general technical assistance). Credit goes to tapers, I had the luxury of mixing on a comfy couch as opposed to trolling around cold Dublin
  8. Originally posted by hoserama:I just mixed this one (along with gear loans and general technical assistance). Credit goes to tapers, I had the luxury of mixing on a comfy couch as opposed to trolling around cold Dublin
    Thanks so much for this .
    Anything you touch sounds brilliant.
    Thanks again .
  9. Originally posted by hoserama:I just mixed this one (along with gear loans and general technical assistance). Credit goes to tapers, I had the luxury of mixing on a comfy couch as opposed to trolling around cold Dublin
    you are a genius
    thanks a lot
  10. Thanks to all for this Christmas gift
  11. Very well done! Thx!