1. Yep, we have decided to add recordings for all shows now. Not all of them are very good, but all of them are at minimum 2,5 stars in audio quality. They will be replaced as soon as better recordings pop up but they will do for now for for instance the sake of snippet verifications and for those who are just happy with any memory of their shows

    I'm personally quite happy about some of the New York ones. Pretty good stuff.
  2. I've always been confused--what constitutes a star in the rankings?

    Some of those recordings wouldn't warrant even a half a star in my book, while there's a bunch of 4-5 star recordings that are barely average in my opinion.

    Perhaps grade inflation?
  3. Originally posted by hoserama:I've always been confused--what constitutes a star in the rankings?

    Some of those recordings wouldn't warrant even a half a star in my book, while there's a bunch of 4-5 star recordings that are barely average in my opinion.

    Perhaps grade inflation?
    I'm the one who uploaded the 5 missing Innocence + Experience shows (Dublin 4, Denver 1, New York 3, 5, 6). My opinion is that the rating of the mysteriousdays recordings of New York 3 and 4 are less than 3/2,5 stars. The ratings are a personal opinion and done by moderators of U2start.
    But having a recording of a U2show that isn't a great recording is better than to have no recording of the show at all.
  4. It's always subjective (to a person, but also to a tour/year etc.), that's also why we encourage everyone to leave a review. If a user leaves a review for a recording then this average rating will also be shown next to 'our' rating. If enough users disagree with ours, we'll adjust ours. We regularly review these differences.

    We usually try to, and again, its subjective, adhere to this guide, courtesy of ReclinerMan and available in our FAQ:

    5 stars: Near-Perfect Proper Recording; could be released as a proper live album (it may have already).
    4.5 stars: Good Proper Recording; recording sounds great, but doesn't properly represent event i.e. improper mix/incomplete soundboard (poor audience to band ratio/one sided to a certain performer).
    4 stars: Excellent Audience Recording; top-tier recording of the show from the crowd with all elements clear and audible, as it should be.
    3.5 stars: Great Audience Recording; quality recording of the show from the crowd but minor problems start occurring (screaming or talking/shifts in quality/age or poor handling).
    3 stars: Good Audience Recording; fine recording of the show but the minor problems begin occurring more frequently.
    2.5 stars: Average Audience Recording; the performance is there but major problems begin popping up (too much screaming or talking/unwieldy shifts in quality/source damage beyond repair).
    2 stars: Fair Audience Recording; no performance just problems with the source.
    1.5 stars: Poor Audience Recording; you were standing outside the performance area, weren't you?
    1 star: Abysmal Audience Recording; mind as well be two hours of you babbling your finger against your lips.
  5. Can I write reviews of recordings in dutch language and place them on the website, Remy? It's very hard for me to write (and read) in English.
  6. Originally posted by Koos1984:Can I write reviews of recordings in dutch language and place them on the website, Remy? It's very hard for me to write (and read) in English.
    Reviews have to be English but its just 10 words you need to write as minimum.
  7. Ok. I will try that. I like the reviews of Patou2. They are also very short. Can I add somewhere if it's a recording or showvisit review? Maybe it's better to create two different places for them on this website.
  8. Originally posted by Koos1984:[..]
    Ok. I will try that. I like the reviews of Patou2. They are also very short. Can I add somewhere if it's a recording or showvisit review? Maybe it's better to create two different places for them on this website.
    They are seperated as there is a checkbox to indicate whether you were there or not.
  9. Originally posted by Koos1984:[..]
    Ok. I will try that. I like the reviews of Patou2. They are also very short. Can I add somewhere if it's a recording or showvisit review? Maybe it's better to create two different places for them on this website.
    Thank you Koos ... it was the idea , to see the info in just few lines

    and i agree about is better to have a 2 stars show than nothing
  10. We have back prof_peabody's source for 2009-09-12 Chicago. It's a nice 4 star recording of the first show of the 2nd 360 leg.
  11. What does UAG and UDG mean on recordings?