1. Hi folks.

    As I'm sitting here, Tuesday morning in the U.S., contemplating the 4-day weekend I just had (which resulted in 2 fantastic Turin boots) I was thinking how much I hate Mondays, even when they fall on Tuesdays.

    That's when I realized, to paraphrase and steal a line from Bono, that:

    Mondays are not days, they are ideas!

    Sadly, *this* idea is not something most of us really want to be part of and would rather go back to bed instead

    Hope y'all are enjoying the Turin shows, I know I am (Thanks Romeo!)


  2. I love Mondays, I always have. Except when I can't check certain threads and websites in order not to be spoiled But yeah, great topic! ;-)
  3. Fuck Monday Happy Wednesday - the day we found out when they come home !!
  4. I don't like Mondays to be honest, always busy work days with loads of meetings for me. I do love Monday evenings though, great TV shows on Monday
  5. HA HA!

    I didn't mean to imply I *like* Mondays. It just struck me as so funny when I realized, on a Tuesday after a long weekend, that those are just like Mondays. They usually suck, and like Remy, I tend to have lots of meetings I don't want to be in. The whole "Monday" concept carries over to whichever day of the week you come back to work on. Hence, Monday isn't just a day, it's an idea (we'd rather not deal with)
  6. Well I love them since the early school days. Seeing my friends again, being able to learn new things and take the piss out of the teachers... Also probably has to do with the fact I never had a physical work with undersirable meetings or lots of duties on Mondays