Every month we put a U2 fan in the spotlight. The fan of the month for October 2015 is user u282. Read along for the interview we had with this U2 fan.
"U2 played 7 shows in 10 days in Melbourne and I was there for all of them. This time I had U2 friends and got to hangout at their hotel where I met the band as well."
Tell us something about yourself, who are you and what do you do for a living?
Hello, my name is Glenn and live in Melbourne Australia, married for 28 years to my wonderful wife Pam and have 2 children, a son 26 and daughter 23. I will have been in the sign industry for 40 years this coming February having started with brush and paint which has now transitioned to mainly computer generated.
How did you become a fan of U2, tell us how it happened?
In early 1982 I was watching our national music TV show COUNTDOWN, and in those days I would record the music clips onto videotape when the host Ian "Molly" Meldrum introduced this band from Ireland and I pressed record. The clip was GLORIA and I was hooked. Whenever I had the chance I watched it over and over but Pam couldn't understand the attraction ( It took her a little longer ). I then went and purchased the album OCTOBER and was surprised to see that they had a previous album BOY, so I grabbed that also. BONUS!!!!! ......and the rest is history and hence my name u282.
Does anyone in your family or one of your friends like U2? If so, did they introduce you to U2, or did you "convert" them?
I discovered U2 for myself and have never really tried to convert anyone into a U2 fan. To my way of thinking U2 are a band you love or hate - because Bono can annoy some people apparently . I let people make up their own minds. I have been to 5 shows with my wife (1984, 1989, 1993, 2006 and 2010 and 3 shows with my daughter ( 2006 and 2010 x2 ) My son is not interested in U2.
U2 has performed a total of 19 times in Melbourne, you have been to 17 of these shows. Can you guide us through these performances and share some of your highlights?
Back in 1984 when I first heard U2 were going to tour Australia it was obvious I would got to a show. What took me by surprise was by the time I got around to getting tickets they were already selling for the 3rd show. Where did all these U2 fans come from? I didn't know any! There ended up being 5 shows and after the first one I knew that I would have to see more. The result was 3 of the 5, and I always wish that it was 5 of 5 ( for my perfect Melbourne record ). Hearing new songs from THE UNFORGETTABLE FIRE is a definite highlight. I don't even think of trying to meet the band.
Next tour ( LOVETOWN ) in Melbourne comes in 1989 and U2 play 7 shows in 10 days and I'm there for them all. This time I have U2 friends and hangout at the hotel and successfully meet the band.( More about these shows later )
1993 brings ZOOTV and we are treated to 2 massive outdoor shows. By this time I know a lot of like minded U2 fans and we are producing a fanzine called FEEDBACK and petition the band for Soundcheck, Interview, Photo Pass or anything the band would throw our way. We were successful and I was lucky enough to be given the Photo Pass and be almost onstage for the first 3 songs to snap away. Almost 21 years later one of my photos of The Edge is featured in John Jobling's U2 - A DEFINITIVE BIOGRAPHY.
1998 we have 1 show for the POPMART tour. A friend phones me and tells me he is going to meet the band as they arrive at their hotel. Having not thought about doing so I'm glad I go. Eventually getting my 12" TRIP THROUGH YOUR WIRES promo fully signed and some photos. Walking around outside the venue before the show I see Christy Turlington and get her autograph also.
2006's Vertigo and 2010's 360 tours both have 2 shows and I have GA and nose bleed seats for both. Both positions within the venue are equally satisfying. Being up close is a thrill and being able to take in the wholespectacle from up rear is part of what makes U2 shows great.
In summary I would have to say all the shows over the years have been exceptional as any U2 fan could tell you.
Before U2's run of 8 shows in New York in 2015, their longest run of consecutive shows in a city was in Melbourne. U2 played there for a total of 7 times in October 1989. You are one of the lucky fans who attended all of these shows. What was it like?
During the time U2 played the 7 shows in 10 days in 1989 I was working during the week days and going to the shows at night and hanging out at hotels, so I was glad to see them go as I had probably been running on adrenalin, but definitely an amazing experience.
How was the concert experience back then compared to the experience nowadays?
Less technology for the first 2 tours in 1984 and 1989 but as always a U2 show is the place to be.
Do you follow U2's current tour online from Australia? If so, how do you follow it and what are your thoughts on the Innocence and Experience tour?
I follow it through various means. U2start of course, U2gigs, Facebook, u2.com. to name a few. It is so easy these days compared to the early days. Although I have to admit I'm not following it that intensely as I still want to be surprised if they eventually make it here again. I'm still not sure everyone in the venue would always have great views of the show with that screen's location.
What are your plans for U2's current tour, should they decide to come to Australia? Will you also consider attending shows outside of Melbourne?
Obviously I would feel the need to be at the Melbourne shows but would probably not travel. Airfares in Australia are not cheap.
How different is U2 compared to other artists that you like?
The difference I immediately think of is their longevity. It is the same 4 members after all these years.
What are your hobbies and interests away from U2, musical or otherwise?
I enjoy watching a good TV series with my wife, listening to my music collection in general and playing around with graphics programs on my computer.
Hope this has been of some interest and thanks for the opportunity to share and relive my U2 experiences from the last 33 years.
Thanks for this interview u282!
Note: Our crew members randomly pick fans of the month, you can't sign up for it.