Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Legs (3): Leg 1 - North America, Leg 2 - Europe, Leg 3 - The Americas
Shows: 54
  1. I believe Night 2 will have ASOH and TLTTGYA, Bad and Vertigo will be dropped
  2. Also safe to assume that IWF is dead too. Vertigo is not gonna be leaving anytime soon
  3. I wouldn't think they would drop vertigo at this stage, however dont be surprised if IWF makes a comeback
  4. Could be yeah. And Bad, Vertigo or IWF night 1. Tonight I looked Rattle and Hum on dvd. Man it's just an incredable movie. Exit is brilliant what an energy just amazing. But that's 30 years ago. And so is Bad what a version that is. So if they play Bad at AMS1 it's o.k. with me. Just an amazing song. U2 should release R&H as a double cd that would be great.
  5. Originally posted by maartenpetra:[..]
    Could be yeah. And Bad, Vertigo or IWF night 1. Tonight I looked Rattle and Hum on dvd. Man it's just an incredable movie. Exit is brilliant what an energy just amazing. But that's 30 years ago. And so is Bad what a version that is. So if they play Bad at AMS1 it's o.k. with me. Just an amazing song. U2 should release R&H as a double cd that would be great.
    R&H30 is coming soon, so ya never know!
  6. As much as I love Bad, i really wish ASOH was in instead of it. It was nice having some different tracks in the setlist that had been missing for a couple years, feel the same way about Vertigo.
  7. Why can't we finish with 40 ? Everyone's a winner that way
  8. Ofcourse, evetybody is hoping for it. Fingers crossed. But I doubt it. And ASOH every night, it'll be a dream.
  9. Someone said a coupe of posts ago that starting with SBS and finishing with War would make it seem like it was a War show instead of a Joshua Tree one
  10. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Someone said a coupe of posts ago that starting with SBS and finishing with War would make it seem like it was a War show instead of a Joshua Tree one
    Yes, sure you got a point. Than they should start with IWF/OOC or Gloria.
  11. That's what I've been saying since before the rehearsals even started in Vancouver.

    01 - Out Of Control
    02 - Gloria
    03 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
    04 - New Year's Day
    05 - A Sort Of Homecoming
    06 - Bad
    07 - The Joshua Tree
    18 - Whetever #1
    19 - Whetever #2
    20 - Whetever #3
    21 - Whetever #4
    22 - Whetever #5
    23 - ''40''
  12. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    That's what I've been saying since before the rehearsals even started in Vancouver.

    01 - Out Of Control
    02 - Gloria
    03 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
    04 - New Year's Day
    05 - A Sort Of Homecoming
    06 - Bad
    07 - The Joshua Tree
    18 - Whetever #1
    19 - Whetever #2
    20 - Whetever #3
    21 - Whetever #4
    22 - Whetever #5
    23 - ''40''
    I think everyone sort of thought that.

    That's why nobody won the setlist prediction contest.