1. Well IMHO play it like ZOO T.V or don't play it at all, i was excited about the prospect of the inclusion of this track, but after hearing this, i can leave it in 93

    Thank You GA JOE for sharing
  2. Is there a live show with IEM of Bono, Edge , Adam ,Larry ?
    It could be interesting for musicians to ear the difference / each IEM
  3. Very good version of Zootiful World with al the extra sound bits
  4. There's any IEM of The Fly, Horses and Stay from this Leg?? (I mean Leg 2)

  5. news item cologne
  6. despite the video is beautiful, the audio quality is a bit bad... it's a pity
  7. I wrote to the uploader. It's a mix of camsound and IEM. But he does not want to tell me his IEM source.