2005-04-01 - Anaheim
Tournée: Vertigo Tour
Morceaux joués: 22
Enregistrement audio: 1
Vidéos: 1
  1. Nice and protracted, love it.
  2. No piano/keyboard?
  3. Nope, no keyboard...
  4. The catwalk looks really narrow. How did edge not fall off that every night
  5. Haha, he didn't stray too far away from mission control did he?
  6. Thyme!
  7. True , think he went walkies as per usual for UTEOTW not much else. Stayed at NASA HQ
  8. Hmmm.. I guess there was no keyboard on early versions of COBL?
  9. 1 2 3 14
  10. 1, 2, 3, 4... 1, 2, 3, 14