1. Brussels and Amsterdam sorted
  2. Nice hard copy tickets for Amsterdam as well, which is nice. Brussels didn't offer hard cpoy.
  3. See you in Amsterdam and Brussels...
  4. Amsterdam, GA Ingang G! Now I hope there will be a second date and that I will get a ticket, so that the cost of the plane ticket and hotel spread over two concerts But so far so good, I am really looking forward to going to Amsterdam!
  5. Yea, it is like that with the German eventim. They pretty much never have e-tickets at the beginning of the sale, at least it was so with the concerts I was buying in the past few years. They sometimes add that option later on, but if you want good tickets and you buy them on the first day, than if you live abroad, you have to pay 35 Euro extra. As if the music fannatics wouldn't get robbed enough with the ticketprices.
  6. that is a huge fee indeed