2017-07-08 - London
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 4
Videos: 1
  1. It's going to be sorta like the I & E tour where they had more variations at first and then whittle down the show to maybe 2 variations with an occassional suprise now and then.
  2. Originally posted by Document:It's going to be sorta like the I & E tour where they had more variations at first and then whittle down the show to maybe 2 variations with an occassional suprise now and then.
    I+E tour was like a Pearl Jam concert compared to this.
  3. Originally posted by Document:It's going to be sorta like the I & E tour where they had more variations at first and then whittle down the show to maybe 2 variations with an occassional suprise now and then.
    The thing is that there are no variations at all between shows. Once every 4 or 5 shows we get to hear Little Things and that's it.
  4. With the screens and production there is very little opportunity for variety or spontaneous actions .
    Might as well do down the west end and watch mama Mia
  5. Well, true in that they are stuck with TJT segment.... I don't mind a structured show, just wish they'd pick a pocket in the opening and maybe 2 pockets in the closing where they have maybe 4 songs in rotations, instead of 2.
  6. It's really not the tour for variation anyway. They've committed to playing TJT in its entirety every night they've done that so job done. Go and see only one show on the tour and then you don't need to go to night 2, that's exactly what I did. Now I can enjoy listening in for free when I fancy listening to a bit of u2.
  7. Over in a flash once again
  8. That's why I said it's quite "lazy"
  9. Even with the video they can mix it up a little more. The whole opening there is no video, they can rotate a couple of songs. ...... add ASOH back in....
  10. Meh. Glad i bailed when the mixlr streams played up. Onwards and upwards.
  11. Originally posted by Document:Even with the video they can mix it up a little more. The whole opening there is no video, they can rotate a couple of songs. ...... add ASOH back in....
    Yeah, they have no excuse. This whole "ASOH was poorly received" feels like a cop-out. After 4 or 5 performances only, it wasn't any different from Little Things or Miss Sarajevo.