2017-09-03 - Detroit
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 22
Audio recordings: 2
  1. Imagine leaving a concert, and having to put up with leaving a stadium, and traffic, with One, as a closer.
  2. Detroit will be remembered as the town without MS!!
  3. In a publicity of FB was said that it was the 6 of September the exit of the Best thing.
  4. Bullet and Exit were stellar at this show, and really the whole main set except Patti was great
  5. Yes the single release is almost hear I was talking about them playing it live
  6. They probably want to wait for the release day. Don't want tons of videos of a less flawless performance representing the song first.
  7. That clip of them soundchecking it didn't sound great so I guess they're still working on it (live).

    Anyway, back to bed. Shouldn't have set an alarm but oh well.

  8. In Buffalo they can play the Best Thing if they approach 12 o'clock on the night of the same 6th of September.

    But, it is more likely that they do it in Minnesota.
  9. Patti ruins Mothers once, shame on her

    Patti ruins Mothers twice, shame on U2
  10. Originally posted by Welsh_Edge:[..]
    That clip of them soundchecking it didn't sound great so I guess they're still working on it (live).

    Anyway, back to bed. Shouldn't have set an alarm but oh well.

  11. Seriously though, does she even practice at all? Or is she like 'nah lads I'll wing it onstage'?