1. I love Bad.surely better played live
    Dirty day....boring.yes
  2. Not sure if it's unpopular or not, so I'll gauge it here:
    New Year's Day is MILES better than Sunday Bloody Sunday.
  3. I agree.

  4. Yeah I agree they do segue really well into one another.

  5. Sure, Bad is better live.
    But you should listen to the studio version again and focus on the drums, especially the Hit-Hat and on when it comes...it's pretty exciting stuff to my ears, as there is no fixed pattern, but a lot of improvised stuff going on, something rarely heard on any record!
  6. Zooropa is U2's worst record. (or least good).
  7. Bono should bring back the mullet (with or without extensions )
  8. I absolutely hate zooropa.
  9. Sadly, I agree. It might be the best haircyut he's ever had.
  10. Means nothing. I like the graphic. And I honestly haven't paid attention too it since I put it there 10 years ago. I don't even see avatars on my mobile lol.