1. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    I’ve tried and can’t seem to get a picture that is the right file size and don’t know how to change the file size. My computer skills aren’t that great you may have gathered.
    Any of these should suffice: U2 avatars 100x100 px Or you can PM me and we'll work this out!
  2. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    Going forward the signs are pointing towards u2 doing a fanscore type system that basically means things like purchases of albums or things from the fan club in general could count towards our overall score, so people will go out and make multiple purchases of the same thing to boost there score so they can get further up the queue when pre sales begin. You will also have to supply your mobile number, I assume to receive your pre sale code, which may charge you for each message they send (up to 5 a month). That’s my understanding so far.
    or sharing stuff on social media (even if some older fans don't have any FB etc..). But we still don't know how it will look like,so we have to wait...
  3. Originally posted by blueeyedboy:[..]
    I actually showed up in Boston (on St. Patrick's Day, no less) for Zoo TV and had no problem getting tickets at box office. Also won a pair from radio station broadcasting there, too!

    Sounds fantastic - U2 Boston 1992!

    I think the internet has enabled a lot of lukewarm U2 fans to see them live now. Most U2 fans I know or knew back in the day would have no problem queuing up for tickets.

    The December 1989 Point Depot tickets went on sale the Friday evening around 8 pm as the local record store owner "felt sorry" for the fans waiting outside in the November cold. lol

    Actually, he knew how many tickets he had for sale and did a quick headcount of those queuing up outside and that was it.
  4. Between Unforgettable Tours and Zoo TV tours were some of the greatest memories of my life from the people I met in queues for tickets and at shows. Still keep in touch to this day with people I met in ticket lines for TUF and TJT tours...
  5. Glad you sorted it out!
  6. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    Going forward the signs are pointing towards u2 doing a fanscore type system that basically means things like purchases of albums or things from the fan club in general could count towards our overall score, so people will go out and make multiple purchases of the same thing to boost there score so they can get further up the queue when pre sales begin. You will also have to supply your mobile number, I assume to receive your pre sale code, which may charge you for each message they send (up to 5 a month). That’s my understanding so far.

    Not playing that game, Depeche Mode and Taylor Swift have done this recently for their US tours ands just driving people to buy multiple copies of albums and do social media stuff- not doing any of that.

    If being a long term paid member of u2.com doesn't get me a presale code then I guess I won't be going on the next tour

    To date these horrible scams have only been used in the US where Ticketbastard has a total monopoly, here in Europe different ticket agencies are used in different countries do I'm not sure it can work over here
  7. I also have met and made amazing U2 friends in line waiting to get in! I sure hope someone can come up with a good way to get tickets for the true fans without such competition among us trying to get points and this type of thing.... Why does ticketmaster have this monopoly? Didn't Pearl Jam start selling their own tickets? would U2 consider selling their own tickets?
  8. Originally posted by peatiedog:I also have met and made amazing U2 friends in line waiting to get in! I sure hope someone can come up with a good way to get tickets for the true fans without such competition among us trying to get points and this type of thing.... Why does ticketmaster have this monopoly? Didn't Pearl Jam start selling their own tickets? would U2 consider selling their own tickets?
    Now that U2 is in bed with Live Nation, there's no way they possibly could without being in breach of contract, I'm sure...
  9. Perhaps we should just wish the system stays as it is now, with presale codes for subscribers...
  10. I would be grateful for that, actually!
  11. I am optimistic that here in Europe we will be able to get the tickets just like we have always been. If however fans are forced to do crazy stuff like buy multiple albums or join social media, then I will give it a pass with a light heart. Nothing has made me join facebook and such so far and getting tickets surely won't. If any band wants me to act like a teenager in order to be able to see them, then no, thank you, I've had my share of great shows...But then again, I believe that we won't be really facing this here in Europe.

    It is laughable that tickketmaster wants to be seen as taking part in any supposed anti-scalping activity (which is only a disguise for making more money of course), when tons of overpriced tickets appear on ticketmaster's very own seatveawe within seconds after any pre-sale starts. Stop actively support THAT and a big part of the problem is solved. Much biggeer than monitoring fans' social media ctivities