1. Episode 4 of the U2start podcast!

    The U2start Podcast brings you insights into the world of U2 and U2 fans. We talk with passionate and dedicated fans and take you with us in an adventure around the world following U2 on their 2019 Joshua Tree tour.

    Your podcast hosts are myself and Joeri. The music is created by LikeASong.

    Episode #4 - Talking U2 General Admission with GA Joe

    We are joined by GA Joe in Auckland, New Zealand a few days before U2's opening night of the Joshua Tree 2019 tour. And he's not our only guest as also Bono himself makes a brief appearance! We talk about the rehearsals and about everything else that is happening Down Under. Joe is famous for maintaining a guide to U2 General Admission, which we discuss in length. We talk about what the best spot is, how to get there, how queuing works and how to best take it on. We also answer the many questions sent in by fans.

    You can listen to the podcast on our podcast page, but we are also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Stitcher and TuneIn. Just search for "U2start".

    References episode #4

    Some references for the things that were discussed in this episode:
    - Mothers Of The Disappeared from Chile: https://youtu.be/KuFMoWV1cns

    - Elevation Tour Minneapolis: https://u2start.com/shows/1200/
    - Elevation Tour Montréal: https://u2start.com/shows/1214/
    - Joe’s GA Guide: http://onlineonthehorizon.com/ga-guide/
  2. Everyone, go listen to Bono featuring in our podcast!
  3. My favourite pod so far. Very relevant info for fans doing GA this tour. After reading many conflicting posts regarding GA the past couple of days, I will be interested to see how everything pans out in Auckland.
  4. Originally posted by Adamaok:My favourite pod so far. Very relevant info for fans doing GA this tour. After reading many conflicting posts regarding GA the past couple of days, I will be interested to see how everything pans out in Auckland.
    really? it's a waste of time.. they should be more critical of the very unfair, egoistic queing system. Something to be really ashamed of as a U2 fan;

  5. Just be civil and assertive about your place. Be kind and stake your place in line. End of story. Thanks for contributing Joe and Remy.
  6. Originally posted by miryclay:Just be civil and assertive about your place. Be kind and stake your place in line. End of story. Thanks for contributing Joe and Remy.
    If that worked then I’m sure there wouldn’t be as much fuss as there has been about it. The people organising these queues are acting like bullies. I’ve heard stories of people standing in queues only for a bunch of people with a number on there hand to walk in front of them. Do you really think they’ll listen to someone telling them why they shouldn’t be walking in front of them? They know it’s wrong or at least have convinced them self that an unfair system is fair to suit themselves. I really hope these people are put in there place in the upcoming tour, the only way to defeat these people is in larger numbers than they have. The only reason security allow the system to happen is because it’s easier telling a smaller group of people they will be honouring the system and making them give up there spot than it is telling a large group of people they won’t be honouring there system because there’s someone physically standing in front of them in line.

    I should add I’m saying all this as someone who will never be personally effected by it as the earliest I go to the gates is when they’re opening but I’m really tempted in the future out of principal to get a group of people together for a show and turn up early to try and ensure these people don’t get there way.