1. So, i'm doing a show tonight, and i know we're a close community, so if you guys would say a prayer or wish me luck for tonight, for me i'd be greatful
  2. Good luck man
  3. GOOD LUCK!!

    ROCK ON!!
  4. what kind of show?
    anyways good luck!
  5. Good luck man !!!
  6. Good Luck!!
  7. good luck bro
  8. yea good luck!!! hope u do well !
  9. Good Luck
    what show is it? a band?
  10. Thanks for all the luck guys

    IT WORKED!!!!!

    It was a bloody great show

    As you can see from my profile i'm an actor, and I done a mix of live rock, and stand up comedy, and it went fantastically.

    Thank you guys so much for your warm responses.